Only Murders in the Building tv show: Run dates: August 31, 2021 – current
Series Info
Three strangers share an obsession with true crime and suddenly find themselves wrapped up in one. When a grisly death occurs inside their exclusive Upper West Side apartment building, the trio suspects murder and employs their precise knowledge of true crime to investigate the truth. Perhaps even more explosive are the lies they tell one another. Soon, the endangered trio comes to realize a killer might be living among them as they race to decipher the mounting clues before it’s too late.
Streaming on HULU.
Season 3 Main Cast:
Martin Short, Steve Martin, Selena Gomez, Paul Rudd, Meryl Streep
Is Only Murders in the Building a Good Show?
The comedy-drama-comedy, starring Steve Martin, Martin Short, and Selena Gomez, first aired in 2021 and was an immediate hit on its exclusive streaming on Hulu. The incredibly witty writing and dialogue along with the hilarious performances from the cast (the Steve Martin and Martin Short duo) has been nothing but enjoyable raking in some of the highest ratings yet for Hulu. The show knows how to use its stars and to portray their acting skills.
For me, this show has become one of my all-time TOP 5 shows……. but can I tell you a secret? I never did like Martin Short much….. but… let me get to that in a moment and tell you what I think of him now.
The show itself over the 2 (almost 3 complete) seasons has been critically acclaimed for its perfectly collaborated cast and writing,
But, what makes it one of the best comedies around?
It’s quite palpable the undeniable onscreen chemistry and friendship between the cast and the three main characters: Charles (played by Steve Martin), Oliver (played by Martin Short), and Mabel (played by Selena Gomez).
The show has almost an old-time murder mystery radio show feel, but with an update for the 21st century as a tv show and a podcast within it.
And I adore it.
I will be very honest here…. I never really liked Martin Short. I was never a “fan” like I was to Steve Martin.
For some reason, I just never connected with Short.
But this show…. let me tell you…. I have absolutely become a fan of Martin Shorts. I respect him immensely and feel like he has aged incredibly well in the sense of his acting…. and I find him absolutely wonderful. I feel like I’ve really missed out on his acting over the years because if this is what he’s been like, he’s truly a gift that I’ve never had the pleasure to know.
In the show, Short as his character Oliver Putnam is Only Murders in the Building’s beating heart. He’s charming, utterly hilarious, and absolutely unforgettable in every scene he’s in. His performance in this show is top-notch.
The Perfect Casting Of Only Murders in the Building
Without going into every casting call made for this show, I will say it seems every actor portrayed seems to be perfectly cast, from all the secondary cast members to the high-profile seasonal show-stoppers like Nathan Lane and Tina Fey in Season 1, Michael Rapaport, Cara Delevingne, and Amy Ryan in Season 2, and of course Meryl Streep and Paul Rudd who were added for Season 3.
There were plenty of roles to mention and honestly, I’ve enjoyed every single one of them.
I can’t wait to watch the last 2 episodes of Season 3 (as of writing this we are on episode 7 released tonight).
Get an inside look with Architectural Digest where they go behind the scenes for Only Murders in the Building Set Tour for Season 3.
Will There Be a Season 4 of Only Murders….?
While the show is going strong with amazing overall viewer scores on IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes, I can’t imagine Hulu would want to cancel such a lucrative and popular series.
However, Steve Martin has said some things about quitting acting and being done (see below), so not sure where or when that puts his character and how that would affect the trio of murder mystery solvers, Mable, Oliver, and Charles.
Here’s hoping that they all return, and hopefully none of THEM end up murdered in the building before the end of Season 3 final curtain.
Will Steve Martin Be Back For Season 4?
Steve Martin has said that he was pretty much done as far as acting goes because of his age and he was just doing this series for a fun last project…. Little did he know it was going to be so popular!
So, how long will he go on?
How many seasons will Steve Martin continue to bless us with his role as the charming but funny Charles Haden-Savage?
In regards to being renewed for a Season 4, according to Esquire on September 21, 2023, they said, “Attention Arconiacs, we have some important news to share. Rumor has it, Only Murders in The Building might return for another season….”
Ugh.. news… MIGHT…..
Well….. after reading the “rumor” article, it was a big disappointment and just apparently CLICKBAIT tactics because there wasn’t much news in there except that MAYBE there would and WHY wouldn’t they… which isn’t news at all.
So, I guess we won’t know until we know….